Last updated March 10, 2024 (70 days ago)

Resource Repository

A collection of software tools, websites, and libraries that have helped with productivity and work directly related to game development and game design.

The list below is a collection of software tools, websites, and libraries that have helped with productivity and work related to game development and game design.

This is a living, breathing collection that is continually updated as we come across new things worth adding.

Debug Tools

Cog is a set of debug tools for Unreal Engine built on top of Dear ImGui.


BenUI is a site dedicated to Unreal Engine UI content and tutorials. It's run by Ben who is a UI programmer at Epic Games who frequently shares what he learns via this site. He has a very active (and trusted) discord community for those interested in UI programming for Unreal Engine.

Interface In Game provides a collection of game interfaces, screenshots, and video clips. It's a great resource to build interface moodboards or find references when designing game UI/UX.

Laws of UX is a collection of best practices that designers should consider when designing user interfaces.

Colorable is a tool that helps you test color contrast between your UI text color and background color.

Free Faces is a collection of free typefaces for commercial use (under various licenses).

The League of Moveable Type is a collection of open-source typefaces.


The PowerToys application provides a set of utilities for Windows, such as FancyZones, Color Picker, PowerToys Run, Image Resizer, PowerRename, and many more.

Technical Art

Physically Based provides a database of physically based reference values for materials , light sources, and cameras.