NTY.studio Notes

Here you'll find a collection of notes, guides, resources, and experiments that our team of engineers and artists have made. While these notes are written as a resource for ourselves, they're publicly available so others can benefit by learning from the mistakes we already made or things we've found.

Finding your way around

The notes are loosely organized into sections in the sidebar, but you can for anything we may have covered by using the search bar at the top of the page (this search titles and descriptions across all notes).

Popular Notes

Setting Timeline Duration

Learn how we normalize timeline duration to control playback.

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Unreal C++ Tips and Tricks

Best practices we follow when writing Unreal C++ code.

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Advanced Search Syntax

How to use Unreal's content browser search syntax to find assets.

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Fixed Perspective Concepting

How we use concept art to test level design for fixed perspectives.

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Discord Community

Join our Discord community to connect with other creatives, tinkerers, and engineers.

Open Source Projects

We're actively building new CTRL Framework tools for Unreal Engine developers.

Lightning Talks

Our lightning talks cover a wide range of topics given by our team members.