Unreal C++ Tips and Tricks

This is a collection of tips and tricks when writing C++ code in Unreal Engine that we've applied to our work over the years.

Prefer to use UPrimitiveComponent instead of UStaticMeshComponent to support compatibility with skeletal meshes.


Prefer GetComponentByClass<Class> over Cast<Class>(FindComponentByClass(Class)).

// prefer GetComponentByClass<Class>
auto MyComponent = Actor->GetComponentByClass<UMyComponent>(); // shorter

// over Cast<Class>(FindComponentByClass(Class))
auto MyComponent2 = Cast<UMyComponent>(Actor->FindComponentByClass(UMyComponent::StaticClass()); // longer

Prefer Cast<Class> over static_cast<Class*>.

// prefer Cast<Class>
auto MyThing = Cast<UMyThing>(PossibleThing); // unrealism, saves a *, only works with UObject types

// over static_cast<Class*>
auto MyThing2 = static_cast<UMyThing*>(PossibleThing); // c++ ism

Prefer using binary operators over explicitly setting each X, Y, and Z (same goes for Transforms).

// prefer using binary operators
auto OffsetPosition = Actor->GetRelativeLocation() + FVector(0, 0, 10);

// over explicitly setting each x, y, z
FVector OffsetPosition2 = FVector(Actor->GetRelativeLocation().X, Actor->GetRelativeLocation().Y,
Actor->GetRelativeLocation().Z + 10);

// similarly for transforms
auto OffsetTransform = Component->GetRelativeTransform() + FTransform(FVector(0, 0, 10));

Use FMath::IsNearlyEqual to prevent redundant calculations.

if (FMath::IsNearlyEqual(Progress, OldProgress)) {return;}

Prefer ensure over ensureAlways to prevent output log spam.

ensure(IsValid(this)); // prefer this
ensureAlways(IsValid(this)); // over this

Order Class variables and functions by their access specifier

class USomeClass : public UObject

    // variables
    // functions
    // variables
    // functions
    // variables
    // functions

Use the prefix of out when function parameters are passed by reference and the function is expected to write to that value

void GetAggregateGameplayTags(FGameplayTagContainer& OutGameplayTags) const;

This makes it obvious the value passed in the argument is replaced by the function.

Prefer explicitly named functions instead of overloading.

// overloaded function examples
UModelComponent* LoadCharacterModel(int32 CharacterID) const;
UModelComponent* LoadCharacterModel(FName CharacterName) const;

// explicit function examples
UModelComponent* LoadCharacterModelByID(int32 CharacterID) const;
UModelComponent* LoadCharacterModelByName(FName CharacterName) const;

The reason to prefer explicitly named functions over loading has to do with programmer error.

It can be trivial to inadvertently pass the wrong data type as an argument into an overloaded function, creating bugs the compiler will never catch (because there is no real error, other than the programmer's mistake in the overloaded function they used).

Document additional relevant information in multi-line comments with @warning, @note, @param, and @deprecated

 * @warning - ...
 * @note - ...
 * @deprecated - ...
 * @param InOwningComponent - ...
void Init(UInteractiveComponent* InOwningComponent);

Prefer TWeakObjectPtr<> over TObjectPtr<> when you do not own the object.

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category="Interaction")
TObjectPtr<UInteractiveTriggerBase> Trigger;

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Interaction")
TWeakObjectPtr<UInteractiveComponent> OwningComponent;

Use GetValid() for more succinct assignment

// before
if (IsValid(InTarget))
    Target = InTarget;
    Target = nullptr;

// after
Target = GetValid(InTarget);

Keep all variable names CamelCased except bSomeFlag

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
float Cooldown = 0.1f;

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
bool bUseCooldown = true;


  • Organize this list into sensible categories as it continues to grow